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A 4-Step Plan for Preparation and Pre-Cleansing

Our bodies have the power to heal themselves, they just need to be given a chance to do so. If we are constantly taxing our body by feeding it unhealthy dead and processed foods, we are not giving it the life and opportunity to keep us in optimal health. Twissted Juice Cleanse is a purposeful cleanse that can help jumpstart you to optimal health transformation starting with the FIRST STEP - STAY FOCUSED!

Young Dietitian

The week before:

1. Transition unhealthy meals and junk food out of your diet and replace them with more fruits and raw veggies. Making about 75 to 80 percent of your diet raw and whole foods.

2. Eat smaller portions than usual. Eating slowly, thoroughly chewing your food and only eating enough to satisfy your hunger.

3. Move your BODY!! Incorporate regular, non-strenuous exercise into your routine.

4. Make sure you are drinking enough water.

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